In Pokémon Sword and Shield and Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, Honey serves no practical purpose other than to be sold. This is known as the Poké Mart text glitch. In Pokémon Diamond and Pearl only, using Honey (or Sweet Scent) inside a shop or Poké Mart will cause the descriptive text of purchasable items to vanish until the player opens the "SELL" menu or leaves the shop. In Sinnoh, Honey can be slathered on Honey Trees in order to attract wild Pokémon. In Generation VI, this will trigger a Horde Encounter if they are present in the area however, in Pokémon X and Y, it cannot cause a wild encounter if the overworld weather is not clear. When used in tall grass, caves, or while surfing, Honey triggers a wild Pokémon battle (like Sweet Scent as a field move). In the Generation V games, the Honey can be sold to the gourmet maniac on Route 5 for 500.

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.